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Well hello there!! I know it has been quite a while since we’ve chatted (we didn’t have access to WiFi this month where we were living/doing ministry), so I wanted to take this time to catch you up on a little bit of what my time in Ethiopia has looked like…

This month my squad was given the opportunity to pick our own ministry assignments which in turn was what determined our teams. There were 3 options to choose from and I chose team 3 which was to consist of brick making, reforestation, and volunteering with kids at a play school while their moms were working at a nearby training center. 

This month I’ve sifted lots and lots of dirt, pushed some wheel barrows, built bricks, carried bricks, accidentally dropped bricks… I had the opportunity to plant a baby tree because here in Ethiopia, the Prime Minister instilled a policy that every year each person has the responsibility to plant at least 5 trees, and we got to be a part of that! This helps to sustain their climate and have economic growth. I’ve gotten to help out some of my squad mates who were teaching children on the compound where we were living/serving. Lessons on things such as the environment, manners, and hygiene. I’ve played volleyball, soccer, and had Friday night movie night’s with all of the children who live on the compound. I’ve made home visits to locals in the community to let them know they’re seen and being thought of and prayed for. 

This month ministry has looked different every single day and it has constantly reminded me that everything we do has the opportunity to be ministry if we’re doing it to glorify and uplift God. You’re having lunch with a friend? Perfect, that right there is ministry! You’re going grocery shopping for your family… ministry!! We have to start looking at those things that God is placing in our paths through a different lens because those things that He is giving you opportunities to do may seem mundane and boring to you, but it’s in those moments that He is often able to get the MOST glory. He’s in it all from the big to the small, the  ostentatious to the hum drum, and we GET to glorify Him in all that we do! I challenge you to start flipping your perspective on those things that you get to be a part of each and everyday, and truly take to heart the fact that life IS ministry and ministry IS life! 

Can’t wait to see you all in TWO MONTHS my friends! You are all so loved and valued, never forget that!

Sending all my love from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!!




  • It is currently 6:30am here in Ethiopia! My squad and I are sitting in the airport waiting to board our flight to head to Rwanda. Pray for safe travels and an incredible month 10 of our Race!
  • Pray for the AMAZING individuals we had the opportunity to meet this month in Ethiopia while working with HOPEthiopia (message me to know how you can specifically and intentionally be praying for HOPEthiopia- the children and staff). 


4 responses to “Life in Ethiopia!!”

  1. Ahhh…It’s about time that we heard from you! 🙂 I love the perspective you give here…Life is ministry. So simple & so profound at the same time..that we GET to be a part of God’s plan each day..every little moment. What a beautiful life.
    Now that you have mad brick-making skills, we will have to build a house!
    Love you & see you soon!!!

  2. “everything we do has the opportunity to be ministry…” love that Meagan…so true. Praying for the squad and the opportunities 🙂

  3. Wow! So glad to finally hear from you since Romania. I am so glad you are doing well and serving in Ethiopia was great! I can’t wait to talk to you and see you again. I love and miss you so much, but I know you are doing what God wants you to do!
    Love, Mom

  4. Oh, you give such good perspective! Love reading your blog. Yes we are praying for safe travels for your journey. Believing for another beautiful month of ministry.