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Thoughts & Inspiration

Happy September 6th and a Happy 6th Day of my Month-Long Blogging Challenge to all of you lovely individuals! Thank you for stopping by to give today’s post a read, it means so very much to me! I would love for you to SUBSCRIBE by selecting the SUBSCRIBE FOR UPDATES button up above, so that we can keep up with one another once I launch in less than a month! If you have missed any of my other posts from the past couple of days I would love for you to give them a read once you finish up with this one; I’ve Lost Weight… When Jesus Shook My Porta-Potty The Mandela Effect (if you click on the title it’ll even take you straight to it, yayyy for convenience)!! Today’s post is quite a bit shorter than most of my posts, but it is something that God has been laying on my heart as of late and I would love to be able to share it with all of you…


     When I was in college I had an acting professor who would always ask what was our motivation within a given scene, or better yet our “raison d’être.” For all of my non French speakers out there, this can quite simply be translated to “reason to be,” or “reason for being.” I would often carry this phrase around campus with me. Into my other classes. Into my dorm room. Into meetings for my sorority. Into my voice lessons… literally anywhere and everywhere I went. What was my reason for being, I would ask myself. I was always able to come up with “a reason to be” for a character that I was portraying in a play, but when it came to myself… I had no earthly idea. What did that even mean, “reason to be?” And to be honest, I don’t think I had much of a clue what the phrase “to be” meant until quite recently. 

     In this current season of my life as I prepare to leave for The World Race, I’m learning what it truly means to just be.

Be still.

Be present.

Be focussed.

Be intentional.

Be “all in.”

     I’m learning to be in this moment, right here, right now; fully present in the present. Tomorrow will come and yesterday is gone, so why not be all that I can be and give all that I have to this very minute that my Papa has blessed me with. 

     I’m learning to be quiet. There’s something so beautiful about getting to sit in silence and spend time with God. Listening to Him. Dwelling in the calmness of His presence. Waiting for Him to speak, and simply getting to sit back and listen at His feet. It’s in those moments that He is teaching me about His goodness, about His faithful promises, and about the abundant “more” that He has promised to me. 

     I’m learning that it is okay to be sad, to be timid, to be confused, to be tearful, but that these emotions don’t get to dictate my life. I’m learning that although I may not always be happy, I will always be joyful. Happiness is circumstantial, while my joy comes from the source of pure joy Himself, and that source will ALWAYS be. Through the good and the bad days He will be. In the busy and the stagnant seasons of life He will be. He will be my joy. He will be my peace. He will be my constant. He will be my love.

     How blessed am I to simply have the opportunity to just be in this season. To be loved, be seen, and be intimately pursued by my Papa as I wait to get to go serve Him. 





Friends I am still in need of about $4,000 in order to be FULLY FUNDED for The World Race! Will you prayerfully consider partnering with me today and making a one-time donation to help me reach my final fundraising goal? You can do so by tapping the “DONATE” button located at the top of this page, or feel free to reach out to me by email at [email protected]. Thank you, and may God bless you! 


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