“Women’s Day” was by far one of my favorite days of Training Camp. I know what some of you are thinking, and no this was not a day where we ditched all of the men on our squads so we could paint each others toes and cry as we watched The Notebook. This was a day filled with fight, passion, togetherness, and literal blood, sweat, and tears. The men spent this day off campus going on a 12 mile hike, but just because we women stayed on campus don’t think that we didn’t put in work of our own. We went running, completed squats, pushed ourselves through pushups, and absolutely annihilated hundreds upon hundreds of burpees. God taught me many lessons on our “man-free” day of Training Camp and I feel compelled to share some of them with you right now.
One of these lessons came in the form of letting go, and I mean in both a mental AND a physical sense. We had to carry both our day-pack and our backpack to our exercise destination, then once we completed the physical activities that had been assigned to us we were to carry these belongings all the way back to our campsite. If you know me pretty well than you probably know that 1. I’m stubborn and 2. I like feeling like I have some semblance of control within a situation. I pushed myself and pushed my body through the exercises even though I desperately could have used some help in completing them. I wanted my squad to think I was strong, to think that I was capable, and to think that I would be someone THEY could reach out to if THEY needed help. I laugh as I sit here writing this now because I wish I could go back and ask myself why I didn’t believe I was worthy of receiving the help that I so desperately wanted to give to my squadmates. As I finished the last of my burpees, feeling fatigued and out of breath I threw my 35+ pound pack onto my back and began searching around for my day pack. One of my friends (although now I definitely see her as more of a sister), Ashley (yes she’s the cutie in the picture), was holding onto it and told me “I’m going to take this for you.” I assured her that I could handle it and NEEDED to take my own bag. She then let me know that she hadn’t been asking if I’d “like” her to take it or not because I had no say in the matter, she was going to carry it for me whether I wanted her to or not…
Immediately the onslaught of lies ensued and in that moment I could have cried simply over the fact of not being able to carry my own bookbag. I felt like I would be seen as weak, I believed I would be viewed as “less-than,” and I felt like I had absolutely no control in the situation. As we walked back down to our campsite I pleaded with Ashley most of the way to give my pack to me, but then the realization came. God was using her and this situation to teach me a valuable lesson.
He showed me that letting go is beautiful and so incredibly freeing. He showed me that He is placing individuals in my life who want to walk alongside me and help me when I don’t have the strength of my own. He showed me that there is no shame in reaching out for help, and by not doing so we can sometimes rob others of a blessing that God had in store for them. He showed me that I don’t need to have control in every situation, all I really need is to trust Him and to trust that all His plans for me are good. He showed me that by allowing someone “in” to help me it didn’t make me weak, but rather strong for embracing vulnerability and choosing to lay down my pride.
So Ashley I just want to thank you once again for listening to Papa when He told you that you needed to take my pack for me. It taught me a humbling lesson and touched me more than you possibly know.
– Meagan
*This is just one of the two things God showed me on “Women’s Day” of Training Camp. Be sure to subscribe to my blog to find out what the second thing was in an upcoming post!*
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I’m just literally so lucky to know you. It’s so touching to know that a simple act of obedience to the still small whisper I heard in my head should carry such a weighty lesson. I love you with my whole heart. I will always be there for you and you are anything but weak!!! The shear fact of your vulnerability and even the ability to ask for help shows loads of strength. You amaze me. I love you and can’t wait to hug you! (The countdown is on!!! 45days!!!)
This is amazing!! This is a message I definitely needed to hear as I head back to school for my senior year. Thank you so much for sharing this!! Keeping you in my prayers!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this, sweet girl!!!!!!! You are amazing and I hope you never forget that!!!!!!!
I’m the lucky one my friend!! You mean so incredibly much to me, and I’m so thankful that God brought you into my life! He’s going to do amazing things in you and through you this year, and I’m so honored that I get to be along for the journey! LOVE you!!!
Thank you so much Leigh Anne! I LOVE you and am praying for you as you prepare to start your SENIOR YEAR!!! That is so crazy to think about, but I know you’re going to be such a blessing to all those you come in contact with at LaGrange!
Awe YOU are amazing!!! Thank you so much, you are such blessing!!!