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Welcome to day 16 of my month-long blogging challenge, and day 2 of my 11 day country series featuring all 11 of our ministry locations! I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s post about Belize, and encourage you to check it out if you’ve yet to do so! Let’s get to know country #2 a little bit better! My squad and I will be doing life and ministry here for the month of November, that’s right it’s… HONDURAS!!!


Honduras is a country found in Central America with a population of 9.113 Million people. 


Although the official language of Honduras is Spanish, there are a number of languages spoken within this country. Some of these indigenous languages include Garifuna, Mískito, Mayangna, and Lenca


Roman Catholic– 63%, Evangelical Christians– 23%, “Other” (including Judaism, Greek Othodox, Jehovah’s Witness, Muslim)- 14%


Male- 72.9, Female- 77.5, total life expectancy- 75.2


Honduran cuisine is a cocktail of multiple cultures like Maya, Lenca, and Garifuna. Some of the staples of Honduran cuisine include carne asada, baleadas, pastelitos de carne, horchata, and pupusa.


*Christopher Columbus discovered Honduras, and when he set foot on the ground his first words were “Thank God we got out of those great depths.” Rightfully so, Honduras’  literal meaning is GREAT DEPTHS

*The five stars on the Honduran flag represent the five countries of Central America. The middle star represents Honduras because it is the only country that touches all four of the other Central American countries.

*The Honduran national motto is “Libre, Soberana e independiente” which literally translates to “free, sovereign and independent!”


*PRAY for unity and cooperation among various denominations within the growing community of believers in Honduras.

*PRAY for an end to extreme poverty that plagues the nation, pray for the homeless population within Honduras, and pray AGAINST drug addiction(s) among Urban children that have been on the rise in recent years.

*PRAY for truth and justice to prevail over government corruption.  

*The government faces an uphill battle in establishing true stability and order. Corruption within the government, preferential treatment of the rich minority, and prevalent poverty make the nation vulnerable to many structures of sin. PRAY that righteousness will prevail and for wise and resolute governance. 



